Our House System

Our House System aims to give your child the opportunity to work together, create a truly united environment and ensure that age is not a barrier to friendship and collaboration.

There are lots of competitions to suit all of their interests (sports day being a feature)! We will then have the all-important termly round up where the current leader is announced and the competition winners revealed. There is a trophy awarded to the winning house, and a special treat for the winning house's ‘top scorers’ in the summer term.

Our House system allows for the promotion of student’s responsibility. The House Captains hone their leadership skills in the role by managing their peers but also learning how to work with the staff body.

Our houses have been named after streets local to our school to connect us with our community and help us think about our locality.

New students are told which house they are in and given their house badge in September.

Staff are also sorted into houses and help rally their teams.

House Points

House points are awarded for ‘Going the Extra Mile’

You can earn house points for your:






When you do something that impacts the school community, it is an act that goes the extra mile past day to day expectations.

Merits are awarded when you do something that is commendable on an individual basis. For example, a great piece of work in class or 100% attendance. Students could achieve several per week.

”By collecting litter from around the school perimeter, Jim has improved our community’s environment. That is Going the Extra Mile and deserves a house point. Thank you Jim, for your responsibility!”

“By greeting a school visitor and making them feel welcome, Sally has represented the school in a positive light. That is Going the Extra Mile and deserves a house point. Thank you Sally, for your respect!"

“By asking thought-provoking questions in class Oliwia shows the depth of her understanding which moves the learning on for the whole class. That is Going the Extra Mile and deserves a house point. Well done Oliwia, for your curiosity!”

"By reporting behaviours that Reuben felt was unsafe, he has prevented other students from potentially being hurt. That is Going the Extra Mile and deserves a house point. Thank you Reuben, for your courage!”

“By initiating a community radio broadcast to promote a local charity, Mohamad has helped to raise participation in a community event. That is Going the Extra Mile and deserves a house point. Thank you, Mohamad, for your creativity!”

House Captains

House captains are appointed to lead each house team

Qualities we look for in house captains are:

A caring and supportive manner

Great organisation skills to help the running of house events

Leadership qualities to motivate students to participate in house activities.