Key Stage 4 Information for Students and Parents/Guardians regarding Exams

It is the aim of Millbay Academy to make the examination experience as successful and stress-free as possible for all candidates and their parents/guardians.

We are currently registered with the following Exam Boards (or Awarding Bodies) for our GCSE and Vocational Qualifications:

The JCQ and Exam Boards set down strict criteria which must be followed for the conduct of examinations and Millbay Academy is required to follow them precisely. You should, therefore, pay particular attention to the JCQ documents which contain important information for candidates and can be found below – all candidates must read these documents.

If you have any queries or need help or advice at any time before, during or after the examinations please contact:

  • Your Tutor
  • Your Head of Key Stage, Stacey Tonkin
  • The Examinations Officer is Jo Starr

Examinations Officer

Mrs Jo Starr

Please contact Jo if you have any queries or concerns regarding the examination process or results

Illness and Absence From Examinations

Should any student be unable to attend an examination because of illness or emergency it is vital that parents inform the School as soon as possible.

All absences from examinations for medical reasons must be supported by a Medical Certificate obtained from your doctor., within 5 days of the illness. Without such proof of illness, the examination authorities can refuse to give any special consideration.

If a delay occurs on the way to an examination which means that a student may miss the start time of an exam, please inform the school as soon as possible and students must continue to come into school and report to reception upon arrival.

Millbay Academy Exam policies – School Policies for exams are available upon request to

JCQ Information for Candidates can be found on the JCQ website –

JCQ Website

On our POLICIES section you will fins detail information about our Exams Policies for 2024 - 2025.

Please find more information follow the link below, which will direct you to an explanatory video.