To help our students foster a lifelong love of reading, we will be introducing the “Drop Everything and Read” (DEAR) program for our year 7s after they return from Easter Break, and for our year 8s later in the term.
DEAR is a simple concept. At a designated time each day all students involved are allowed to put down their work and pick up a book. For 15 minutes, everyone will be immersed in the joy of reading. No matter what book you choose, everyone will be reading together.
We know that it can be tough to find time to read in between classes, homework, and extracurricular activities. That's why we're making it a priority. By dedicating a specific time each day to reading, we're making it easier for everyone to enjoy the benefits of a good book.
Tutors will be discussing this with students over the next week or so and more information will be coming out to parents involved. Suffice to say, students should start thinking about a book of their own choice to bring to school every day!