School Meals: The Bay Cafe

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Ordering a School Meal

You will need to make sure that there is money on parent pay at all times as the system does not order food if there isn't any money available. The price of a school meal for Secondary students at Millbay Academy is currently £2.90. Credit needs to be added in advance to the School Meals Secondary payment item on ParentPay if you would like your child to have a cooked meal at lunchtime and you are not eligible for a free school meal.

We are also able to provide snacks for your child at breaktime.

If you would like to give your child the ability to purchase snacks, then please add credit to the break time snacks payment item on ParentPay.

More information about ParentPay can be found below.

Free School Meal Information

As a parent/guardian you can easily check your eligibility and apply in the comfort of your own homes, at a time that suits you, in a manner that is more secure than the old paper-based method.

Click here to start your Free School Meals Application.

Scroll down and click on How to apply then Apply for free school meals. You can also choose to download a paper copy to hand in to the school or send in to Windsor House directly.

If you have more than one child you can apply for all of them on one form, even if they attend different schools.

For further information please click on the link and visit the Plymouth City Council Free School Meals webpage.